
Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 results

Filly Friends is done! · 12:30am Aug 6th, 2020

As of just about right now, I've finished the draft of the last chapter of Filly Friends! I've passed it off to quick and Qrow, and as long as they don't think it's total garbage, it'll go up next Tuesday along with the epilogue. It has been a lot of fun, and though I would change parts of the story if I were to do it now, I'm happy with how it came out. I'll go more in depth on posting day with an extended author's note for the entire thing, but if there are any questions or things you'd

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New Story Incoming! · 2:38am Dec 29th, 2019

That's right, as promised earlier, I've got a late Christmas present for you all before we close out 2019. After years, the first chapter of my new project, Filly Friends, is getting ready to be posted. Now, I'ts not done, I'm working on Chapter 9 as we speak, but I've got a lot of buffer ready to go. I'm going to submit the story for review on Monday, as I'm gone all day tomorrow for DnD. As soon as it gets approved, I'll make another blog to let everyone know.

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Moving Delay · 1:35am Feb 10th, 2020

Hey guys, so I'm in the process of moving this weekend (actually moving in with my editor), but since I won't have access to my computer or time to do anything, this week's chapter is going to drop on Tuesday instead.

Once again, I am sorry. Everything will go back to normal next week, though! The actual draft doc is still a few chapters ahead too, so I don't expect any issues after this for awhile.

I'll talk to you all on Tuesday.



Filly Friends - Extended Author's Notes · 4:11pm Aug 11th, 2020

Before I get going, I want to thank everyone, again, for reading through. I was honestly not expecting much in the way of reception for an author who has been gone for years, but I was so pleasantly surprised. You guys have chucked my iffy words back into the featured box multiple times over the course of posting, and I don't think any amount of thanks will accurately convey how much that means to me.

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Filly Friends - Wub Extended Author's Notes · 3:51pm May 13th, 2020

Before I get started, I wanted to thank everyone who has been reading since the beginning, and everyone who is just now catching back up. It really means a lot to me, and I hope you're all excited to see where this ride goes next. As of right now, I've got one little arc to finish up, and one more arc to write before I'm done. Conservative estimates are around 7 to 8 chapters, but knowing me, it's going to be more.

Spoilers ahead for the latest chapter of Filly Friends, Wub. Duh.

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Royal Duties Part III: Three Filly Friends - Posted in Ms. Glimmer and the Do-Nothing Prince · 12:24am Nov 26th, 2023

Three (3) filly friends sounds kind of ominous for Starlight's love life when you realize the title refers to Blueblood. Starlight gets Blueblood to open up about his tragic past and begins to understand him very well. There are uncanny similarities shared between them...


Newbie Artist Training Grounds XI - Day 18: Seal of Filly Friendship Forever · 12:42am Jun 21st, 2021


"Filly Friends Forever", my 20th fic submission on has just been submitted! · 8:13pm Dec 17th, 2016

This here is a milestone..... With the new fic I just submitted, I have reached the number of 20 fic submissions here on!

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"Filly Friends Forever" now has a russian translation! · 5:06pm Aug 9th, 2017

Something awesome just happened! A few days ago, a user here going by the name of NovemberDragon sent me a message and said that he has translated "Filly Friends Forever" into russian.
He asked me if he can publish the translation on the russian pony blog (Herd) and I of course agreed!
Yesterday, he wrote me again and sent me the link to the published translation!

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10 Years · 4:35am Jul 25th, 2023

I am on for 10 years now. The anniversary was actually on Wednesday, July 19th, but the release of "The Sky is Gone: Acceptance" on my Patreon account made me stay up long the day before and I had to catch up on sleep, so I could not write this blog entry there. But I want to write about what happened during these 10 years.
Here is a retrospective of 10 Years on

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Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 results